CAIT 2025 | 6th International Conference on Computers and Artificial Intelligence Technologies

General Information
2023 4th International Conference on Computers and Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT) is sponsored by Macau University of Science and Technology, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, IEEE Macau, SIIT, and patrons with Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Guangxi University, Institute Milenio De Macau, Macau Millennium College, and other patrons. It was held in Macau, China during December 13-15, 2023.

* Accepted papers in CAIT 2023 have been indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS within two month after online.
* CAIT 2023 accepted papers has been online and included in IEEE Xplore within one month after the conference.
* Proceedings information ISBN: 979-8-3503-2670-3
* CAIT 2023 is listed in IEEE conference Calendar.

President of Macau University of Science and Technology--Prof. Jianqing Li gave us opening remarks, Vice President of Macau Millennium College--Prof. Zhiming Cai delivered the welcome address, and Prof. Jianqing Li from Macau University of Science and Technology, China chaired the activities in the morning. Then four keynote speakers delivered the speeches. They were Prof. Guoliang Xing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof. Xizhao Wang, Shenzhen University, Prof. Qingfu Zhang, City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Qing Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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Best Paper Awards
CA026: Adaptive LLM-based Game Radio (ALGR)
Authors: Paul Mieschke, Stefan Radicke
Stuttgart Media University
CA069: Mapping Knowledge Landscapes and Emerging Trends of Radar Fall Detection: a Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis from 2003 to 2023
Authors: Jiani Yao, Shihua Cao, Xijing Lou, Yankai Shi, Bingsheng Wang, Danni He
Hangzhou Normal University
CA047: Hot Spot Area Identification of Online Car-Hailing Based on RNN-DBSCAN
Authors: Lunhui Xu, Runnan Xu, Xueling Geng
Guangdong University of Science and Technology
C061: Two-stage Game Theoretic Model for the Allocation of Physician Appointments in an Outpatient Clinic
Author: Cheng Kuang Wu
Guangdong University of Science and Technology

Best Presentation Winners
Session 1: CA026: Paul Mieschke, Stuttgart Media University
Session 2: CA042: Rodrigo S. Jamisola, Botswana International University of Science and Technology
Session 3: CA019: Peilin Cai, Wuhan University
Session 4: CA1001: Ngoan Thanh Trieu, University of Brest
Session 5: CA092: Babak Esmaeili, Arizona State University
Poster Session: CA100: Bocheng Wang, Guangdong University of Finance

© 2020-2025 6th International Conference on Computers and Artificial Intelligence